Tuesday, 23 October 2012

With a persistent east-north-east breeze and fog all day visibility was rather limited, but visible migration was exciting. Highlights included counts of 267 redwings, 230 song thrushes and 375 blackbirds, most coming in off the sea and dropping into gardens from the fog bank, with many continuing east or north inland. One blackbird was watched pursued by herring gulls as it skimmed over the sea and narrowly made it to shore, but a second was less fortunate, being harried into the water and set upon by a herring and black-headed gull. It was stunning to watch parties of thrushes emerge from the fog all along Horseshore Bay and the above counts are a tiny fraction of the numbers that surely arrived given very limited visibility.

A firecrest was in St Boniface churchyard with a 1st winter ring ouzel at St Albans Steps and a single fieldfair flew east.

A single hobby flew west past La Falaise whilst four black redstarts put in an appearance along the Ventnor sea front. Chiffchaff numbers have fallen off, with 74 around town.

A golden plover flew over my garden in Upper Ventnor shortly after dawn.

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